Prescribed burning is the process of planning and applying fire to a predetermined area, under specific environmental conditions, to achieve a desired outcome.
In Western Australia, they are referred to as prescribed burns because they follow a ‘prescription’ with a number of conditions that need to be met. FMS is committed to producing safe, productive and environmentally sustainable outcomes for prescribed burning activities that reduce the impact of wildfire events to community, social and environmental values. |
Fire Mitigation Service maintain a fleet of heavy earthmoving equipment located in our yards in Northam and Coolgardie. All equipment has been purposely setup for working in forest environments with heavy guarding and bush protection. Our machines are used to maintain and build new firebreaks across all vegetation, topography and soil types. Our experience in this area is across Western Australia for many state and local government agencies to support their land management practices, protection of infrastructure and access into remote areas for bushfire management.
FMS uses purpose-built skid steers for forestry environments which have proved to be highly productive machines for mulching vegetation, clearing new firebreaks and maintenance of heavily eroded tracks due to their size, power and track system.
The majority of bushfire prevention works we conduct is done through vegetation modification by mulching or scrub slashing with our correctly prepped machines. Mulching is suitable across a wide range of vegetation structures and topography |
Our posi slashers are used to manage grass fuels quick and effectively. It’s fast and compact, enabling it to traverse a range of terrains and conditions excelling in dense vegetation or highly treed locations where parkland management is required. This machine is economical and is often suited to locations where heavy machines are not.
This service is exclusively used for broad scale vegetation modification in remote areas of Western Australia. Exclusively used by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and attractions for large projects through the Wheatbelt and the Goldfields to create low fuel buffers against road networks, agricultural boundaries and National Parks. Our roller has blades in place to chop the vegetation into 12-inch pieces and lay the vegetation on the ground flat to reduce flame heights, fire rates of spread and enable fire crews to use the low fuel buffers for strategic fire planning during bushfire events.
The roller is very fast and effective for long term vegetation management under powerline easements as we have demonstrated for many years with DBCA. |